Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Joe's Shrimp and Sausage Gumbo

Ever invite yourself over to dinner? Well that's exactly the case here. Once I heard that the Garvey's friend from Nashville was whipping up a gumbo dinner I couldn't help but secure myself a bowl. Joe labored over this dish all day using the techniques and flavors he learned from his time spent in New Orleans. Andouille sausage, smoked ham, mussels and more. He even made his own seafood stock.

However, cooking is only one of his talents. Joe's a very accomplished musician. So after a delicious dinner he pulled out his guitar and jammed with Sean and his uncle and their close friend that played the stand up bass. Good times all around. We were in heaven.

The gumbo had a perfect spice to it. Just the right amount of kick. He also searched high and low for sasafrass which tastes a lot like sage to garnish on top. This was the real deal and it paid off. Thanks Joe!

Joe's Shrimp and Sausage Gumbo

3/4 lb Andouille sausage
1 lb. Shrimp (shells on)
10 or12 Fresh Mussels
4oz. Smoked Ham(diced)
1 cup Diced Yellow Onion
1 cup Diced Bell Pepper
1 cup Diced Celery
1/2 cup Corn Oil
3/4 cup All Purpose Flour
1 tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 tsp Oregano
1 tsp Thyme
1 tbsp Salt
6 quarts Seafood Stock (made from shells of shrimp)
8 searvings of white rice

For stock:
Add onion, shrimp shells, mussel shells, celery and pour over enough cold water to cover the stock ingredients; bring to a boil over high heat, then gently simmer at least 4 hours, preferably 8 hours, replenishing the water as needed to keep about 1 quart of liquid in the pan. The pot may be covered or set a lid askew on it. Strain, cool and refrigerate until needed. If you want a richer stock, start with at least 2 cups of the strained basic stock and continue to simmer it until the liquid is reduced by half (for one cup of rich stock).

For gumbo:
Combine peppers, more onions, and more celery in a bowl and have ready next to the stove. In a large heavy skillet (cast iron is best) heat oil until it just begins to smoke. Gradually add flour, whisking constantly. Continue whisking constantly and cook over medium to medium-high heat until roux is dark brown and very fragrant. Add vegetable mixture and stir with a wooden spoon, continuing to cook, for 2 minutes. Add salt and dry seasonings and garlic and stir to combine, cooking for another 1 to 2 minutes, then remove pan from heat.

Place shrimp stock in a large Dutch oven or stockpot and bring to a gentle boil. Gradually add roux mixture to boiling stock, whisking constantly, until completely incorporated and dissolved. Return to a boil and add the andouille, then reduce to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary, then add shrimp and turn off heat. Let gumbo sit for 5 minutes to allow shrimp to cook, then serve immediately over a scoop of plain white rice. Note: You can do everything in this recipe up to the point of adding the shrimp beforehand; bring gumbo up to a boil before adding shrimp to serve. Add searving of rice to bowl.

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow that sounds amazing! MMMMM...Andouille sausage!
