Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Year's Resolution: Blog More

I hate New Year's Resolutions. We've seen it all before. In fact, I saw it in my yoga studio yesterday - a packed class. The weeks will roll by and soon it will be the middle of February and it will be me and the same 15 people at the 6:30pm class as usual. New Year's resolutions are a great idea but tend to lose momentum after a few weeks. Let's not kid ourselves.

I just got back from a 3-week honeymoon in Vietnam. In fact, in the last 2 1/2 months, I have spent over a month in Asia. This means I've had a lot of train, plane and automobile time to reflect on 2010 and the year that it's been for Drew and me.

This year, my New Year's resolution is to blog more. I mean it. I'm done being selfish. In the last 8 months, I've planned a wedding, got married, got a new job, went on my honeymoon and time flew by. My heart breaks every time a friend or loyal reader asks me over email or on the phone, 'where have you been?!?' I've been a slacker blogger for sure.

Well, fear not. This year is going to be big (even more so if Blogger gives me access back to my account and I am not posting under Drew's publishing privileges!) so expect more. Get excited.

Happy 2011. Eat, drink and be merry.



  1. wow, sounds like alot of fun you have been having...and work of course.

  2. I look forward to your posts. Infrequent as they may be, I've picked up some fantastic recipes from them. I also share your love of heirloom tomatoes.
