Strawberry Angel-Food Triffle
- 1 pound frozen strawberries
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 store-bought angel-food cake
- 16-ounce container Cool Whip
- Mint for garnish
Place the strawberries and sugar in a saucepan. Heat gently until the strawberries are soft and the sugar has dissolved. Allow the juices to reduce slightly, until they have the consistency of a thin syrup. Let cool.
Tear fist-sized pieces from the angel-food cake and use them to line the bottom of a large, clear bowl or trifle dish. Cover with a layer of Cool Whip and a layer of strawberries in syrup, filling in any holes in the previous layer. Add another layer of cake and continue building until all the ingredients have been used, ending with a few spoonfuls of Cool Whip and strawberries and a sprig of mint as a garnish.